Stella Maris Chicago-Indiana is looking to raise $5000 to transport seafarers when they dock into Illinois International Port District and Ports of Indiana

Chicago Propeller Club member Grant Crowley, owner of Crowley Yacht Yard, is highlighting a local fundraising appeal from seafarer charity Stella Maris Org. Chicago-Indiana branch.

Stella Maris Chicago-Indiana is looking to raise $5000 to help pay the running costs of a van to transport seafarers around when they dock into ILLINOIS INTERNATIONAL PORT DISTRICT and Ports of Indiana

The van will take the seafarers into town for a break or allow them to visit local shops to stock up on food and toiletries.

Many of the seafarers visiting our area are spending long periods away from home in grueling conditions travelling across the Atlantic and back through the St Lawrence Seaway. Getting a break from the ship onto the van is a vital service local Stella Maris chaplain Father Mike Enright provides.

Your support is massively appreciated for more details contact Father Mike

Donate via: Giving – St. Paul’s Catholic Church